Welcome to Calm HypnoBirthing, I’m Sophie Kirkham

Sophie Louise Kirkham, Calm Hypnobirthing

I want to truly affect and inspire mothers and fathers about birth with meaningful antenatal education, welcome to Calm HypnoBirthing.

I was pregnant with my son and I felt scared about birth and I realised that I didn’t really understand what happens during birth, so, I wanted to learn more. I bought a book called ‘HypnoBirthing’ – after reading the first two chapters I was convinced that I could birth my baby comfortably with calm and confidence. I protected myself from negative opinions and influences about birth, booked our HypnoBirthing course and we practised the relaxation techniques so that when the time came we were ready and waiting. I was so positive and I felt empowered.

When our son started to come, I was so excited that I was finally going to meet him, I cried tears of joy. I was fearless and absolutely ready to trust in my body to birth my baby. I breathed my son out, I didn’t push and when he was born he didn’t cry; after all why should he cry? He had just had a lovely, calm birth and was like a little Buddah and we faced each other and took in the amazing feeling of him being out in the light. It was intense and inspiring and I wanted to do it again and it can be that way for you too.

My Son, Freddie, just a few days old

It is my goal now to share the techniques and coping skills of HypnoBirthing with mums-to-be and their birth partners. Working with expectant mothers, fathers and babies is a tremendous privilege, and I am committed to helping you to achieve the calm, comfortable and drug free birth you want.

If you’re going to run a marathon, you prepare for it mentally and physically, and HypnoBirthing is a way to help couples prepare mentally and physically for labour and childbirth. Pregnancy is not an illness but labour and childbirth have in many ways become over-medicalised and I firmly believe that HypnoBirthing will help to redress the balance. The whole programme will equip you with the skills you need and then you have practise.

I also do early pregnancy relaxation classes to help ease the tension of the first trimester and support couples in working together towards the birth outcome they want.

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Sophie Kirkham MHbA, Dip HB